1 month old baby
Your 1 maand old can:
Motor skills
- Lift his/her head up for a few seconds while laying down
- Follow an object with eyes
- Grab your finger when you offer it
- Lift the head up shortly while held in upright position.
- Makes a lot of uncontrolled movements
Social skills
- Looks at faces
- Smiles for the first time
- Cries irregularly
- Shows he/she is not happy by squeezing the eyes closed and
Cognitive skills
- Act based on uncoordinated reflexes mostly and respond to the world around him/her instinctively.
- Explore the world around through limited motor skills like turning the head, sucking.
Language development
- Make noises from the throat
- Reflex laughs
- Responds to sounds
- Look for the source of a sound with the eyes