2,5 - 3 year old
Your child aged 2,5 - 3 jaar can:
Motor skills:
- standing on one leg
- climbing stairs one step at a time
- Jumping of the first step of the stairs or a similar height
- walking over a gymnastics bench
- riding a tricycle
- jumping with both legs at the same time
- is not afraid to do a head roll with help
- catch a balloon
- build a tower of 9 blocks
- turning pages of a book one by one
- string big beads
Social skills
- put on easy clothes without help
- open big buttons
- hang coat alone
- drink with a straw
- play alone for a while
- have more and more contact with others
- playing next to other children (not together)
- experience that others can be disturbing to you while you play
- being potty trained during the day (maybe)
Cognitive skills
- Washing or feeding a doll during playtime. This means that the child can make the center of his/her attention outside him/herself!
- Having images in mind of object or events that are not actually present or happening. (mental representation). This expresses in language, drawing and play..
- Being able to see that a symbol represents something in the real world.
- From 3 years up: drawing things that actually look familiar. Around the age of 3-4 years old there should be drawings of humans.
- Believe that lifeless objects can think or have feelings. Children can for example, be angry at a "bad chair" when they walk into it.
- Having difficulty to distinguish fantasy and truth. This period is called the "magic thinking"period. Your child will believe in fairies, magic and supernatural forces.
- Can do roleplay about daily activities together with other children.
Language development
- point out images in a book
- Listen to stories and rhimes
- Use two ore more word sentences
- Speaks in only the most essential words
- Use the word "I" and "me"