6 months old
Your 6 maanden old can :
Motor skills
- Plays with his own feet while lying on his back
- Turn to both sides from lying position on his back
- Tries to pull himself up to a sitting position
- With help, stand and make walking movements (with slightly bent hips and knees)
- Grab a small toy with the full hand (not yet using thumb)
- Touching/ feeling objects by rubbing the fingers over the surface
Social skills
- Enjoys looking at other children
- Enjoys being around other children
- Prsents to hold a bottle.
- Makes sounds of joy, vocalising
- wave arms and legs and wiggle often
- Reaches hands to familiar faces
- Is reluctant to strabge faces
- Shows discontent from certain foods
- Shows anger if a toy is been taken away
Cognitve skills
- The world is getting bigger through crawling and sitting! Baby will be more interested in the surroundings.
- The coördination of the senses improves, baby will try to grab oblects and manipulate them.
- Wil repeat interesting behaviour that accidentally happened, such as kicking against a musical mobile while laying underneath it, to make the object move.
- Regognizes the effect of his own behaviour on the world around him. For example, will smile to trigger a return smile from a caretaker
- Is fascinated by games like "peek a boo" but is not able to join in yet most of the time
Language development
- Makes lots of sounds, "babbles"
- Listen to music and "sing"
- Understands "bye"and 'hi"
- Mkaes all sorts of combinations of vowels and consonants such as ‘ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh’
- Makes recognisable efforts to reproduce sounds from the environment
- Recognizes mums voice
- Makes sounds that clearly show joy or frustration