After school care 't Kasteeltje
After school care 't Kasteeltje offers after school care for children 4-12 years old.
We offer transportation from the following schools:
- Buitenplaats Nassaupark
- Montessori Floriande
- Optimist
- Braambos
- Bosrank
- Octopus
- Tabitha (de Bloesem)
- Wilgen (de Bloesem)
- Vredeburg
- Tovercirkel
- Twickel
- Montessori Pax
- Caleidoscoop
- Picassoschool (transportation not included, ask school for available possibilities)
For options regarding other schools, please contact us. Transportation to the BSO will not be organized/ included in the service
Welcome to 't Speelkasteel! A special after school care location, situated in an indoor playground! A joy for every child! We offer a 7000 m2 indoor and outdoor area. During school holidays, we have a fun activity program full of sports, crafts, cooking, music and excursions. For the youngest children, we offer a separate area where they can get used to the after school care in a friendly way. For the older children, we offer a kidsclub. Please feel free to come by for a visit and more information.
Contact information
Mandy van der Wal
Hoofdweg 869
2131 MB Hoofddorp
Mandy van der Wal
LRK# 587385984