2 months old
Your2 maanden can:
Motor skills
- Have the hands opened in rest more often
- Subcontiously kick legs and moving arms while laying down
- While laying on the tummy, raise the head to 45 degrees for a short moment.
- Follow an object with the eyes untill about the waisteline.
- Dropping the head and raising immediately after that.
Social skills
- Look at faces
- Smile for the first time
- Cry irregularly
- Express anger or unhappyness by squeezing the eyes closed
Cognitive skills
- Repeating own behaviour that is discovered
- Adjust behaviour to the surroundings in a simple way. For example, your child will suckle the breast in a different way than it would suckle a toy
- Anticipate certain events slightly, for example, a hungry baby will stop crying if a parent enters the room.
- Imitate facial expressions from a caretaker. Even 24 hours afters watching them!
- From the third month onwards your baby will respond to the caretaker by maiking noises and laughing. Baby will begin to discover differetn oises he/she can make.
- Discover the surroundings with better developed motor skills (like kicking, reaching, grabbing), though stil very uncoordinated.
Language development
- Make noises from the throat
- Smile as a reflex
- Respond to noises
- Smile for the first time in a social way